Custom Components
Sometimes you need something special, something extra to help your business unlock it's full online potential.
You want someone to turn your digital ideas into practical reality.

Custom website components

Everything you need to create a market presence, improve user experience and increase sales

We add shopping carts & subscriptions to your website, so you can take online orders & receive electronic payments.
Member Communities
We add member functionality to your website, to create an online community, complete with profiles, galleries, blogs, groups, pages & more.
SEO & Search
We optimise your website to make sure you get the best possible placement in Google search results, based on your products, services & location.
Online advertising
We create, analyse & assist with your advertising campaigns, ensuring you get the best value from your online advertising budget.


You want to expand your market share & improve your bottom line by selling your products, services & subscriptions online, easily & without hassles.

Our e-commerce add-ins for your DesignBoys website allow you to add shopping carts, subscriptions & even take payments online.


User communities

Keep users coming back for more, by building your own unique, online community. Perfect for schools, church's & other community-oriented organisations.

We deploy fully-fledged community components, seamlessly integrated into your DesignBoys website.

User communities

Online advertising

A fantastic website is worthless unless you can attract potential customers. But getting on the first page of Google search results is really, really hard.

Our PPC solutions help you select the perfect keywords, giving you high visibility in relevant search results.

Online advertising

Custom Website Components

Our Custom add-on's expand your online capability with easy-to-use, proven e-commerce, user-community, SEO & advertising solutions.

* Requires a DesignBoys Standard or Premium website bundle.

  • Online Member Subscriptions
    We provide the tools for you to offer online subscriptions directly from your website. This includes subscription & subscriber management, invoicing, payments, auto subscription activation, auto expiry, & more.
  • * Member Communities
    Build your own member's community. Allow members to create online profiles, upload & share images, videos, events, send private messages, create user groups, fan pages & more.
  • SEO & Search
    Search Engine optimisation (SEO) will help get you noticed on Google.

    DesignBoys offers a complete SEO service. Some of the SEO activities we do include:
    • We baseline your current website SEO
    • We check your site for SEO issues, from which we generate a list of SEO-related items that need to be addressed.
    • We monitor & report on changes in your SEO rankings.
    • We set up web search alerts, to notify you when new business, industry or keyword related content is published on the web.
    • We help identify keywords used by your competitors to identify new link building & marketing opportunities.
    • We provide monthly reports showing current SEO status against the starting baseline
  • Pay-per-click Advertising
    We set up your advertising on Google, Twitter & Facebook.

    We provide you with reporting on your advertising, including which keywords are most popular, the going rate per click & more.
    Everything you need to make informed decisions about your advertising campaigns.